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The Lodging House Mission were delighted to accept the 48 shoe boxes delivered to them containing toiletries, hat, scarf, etc for either a lady or gentleman along with an envelope containing £350 of donations and delivered. They asked for everyone who donated such a shoe box to be warmly thanked and assured us that the recipient of each box would be very grateful to receive it.​​


Following on from previous years we have just heard from the Lodging House Mission that this year they are unable to accept the Christmas boxes as they did in the past. They are suggesting we deliver the items usually in the Christmas boxes to them and they will make up "Christmas Parcels" and distribute them or we can make a donation to their Christmas appeal and they will purchase the items required.

David Cant has agreed to accept items or donations at his shop, as he did for the local foodbank at Harvest.​



29 August 2021

I'd just like to update you on the plan for the exchange and counting of the Church Boxes. This would normally take place in September and March of each year.  However, in order to fully ensure the safety of our box holders, the people who visit the homes to exchange the boxes and our counters, it has been decided to delay the full exchange and count until next March, when we will re-assess the situation.

However, if anyone's box is full and they need their box to be exchanged, then please han you box into Church on any Sunday morning during September and you will be given a new box. Or, if you don't aready have a bx and would like one, please contact us.

Thank you so much again to you all for your continued support with the Church Boxes; it is very much appreciated.

Elizabeth Derrick

February 2021

As a result of the present situation, we will, again, be unable to exchange the Church Boxes as we would normally in March. If you have a box which needs to be exchanged, this can be done at the Vestry Day on Saturday 20 March. Please bring your box along and we will exchange it for a new one.

If, for any reason, you are unable to come to the Vestry Day, then please contact us and we would be happy to pick up your box and drop off a new box - socially distanced of course! Also, if you do not have a box and would like one, then again please contact us

Elizabeth Derrick



June 2021

Thank you once again for the faithful box holders of TLM Scotland. 2020 has been a very difficult year for all charities and 2021 looks like being the same. TLM had hoped to hold many fund raising events to go towards the hope of eradicating Leprosy by 2035, but due to the pandemic, these events have been put on hold. It is a universal shame that there is still Leprosy in the world today when we know that it is curable with inxpensive therapy if caught early enough.

Please pray for the work of TLM Scotland as the medical staff in India are now coping with Covid patients in their hospitals as well as Leprosy.

This year Burns & Old has donated from box holders and monetary givings, the sum of £591.36.

Margaret Strain

February 2021

Please remember the Leprosy Mission during these difficult times. There will be a supply of TLM boxes available on Vestry Day 20 March for exchange.


December 2020

In September last year, TLM held a conference at Holyrood to highlight the fact that Lerosy is a curable disease if spotted early enough. 2020 was to be a year of campaigning and fundraising to work towards eradicating leprosy in 15 years. Sadly, because of the pandemic, this has had to be put on hold.

Please keep TLM Scotland in your prayers and if possible, keep filling the little coin boxes. Like all charities, finance is still important in order that the leprosy clinics can keep functioning.


January 2020

The update on the donation from the boxes to Leprosy Mission Scotland (TLM) is £725.56 for the year 2019. Well done to everyone who contributed an thanks for your continued support over the years. Anyone who wishes to have a box please contact us.

There will be a represenative from TLM speaking at our service on Sunday 2 February and there will be a retiring offering for TLM on that date.


The Folk Concert held on Friday 17 January in aid of Christian Aid was well attended and very much enjoyed.The sum realised was £800 which was equally divided between Christian Aid and Kerela Eye Hospital in India.


The Remembrance Tree in December was sponsored for Robin House, the Children's Hospice at Balloch. The donations amounted to £600 which has been delivered to them.


©2025 Kilsyth Burns & Old Parish Church

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