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   To join the conference call service please call 03300 88 34 34 or if you experience difficulty getting through on this number please dial 0345 388 7422 instead 

   You will be asked to key in the PIN number which is 462824 


   Please dial in at least 5 minutes ahead of the Service which starts at 3.00pm



Sunday 6 December 2020 3:00pm







Silent Night


Let Us Focus On The Central  Candle

This candle represents Jesus who has come

to be with us in the midst of our lives.

The light of the world bringing us hope,

Peace and Joy and illuminating our darkness.


Reading: St John 1: 1 - 5


Let Us Now Focus On The First Outer  Candle 

Candle Story: We light this candle to reflect 

on the global Pandemic of COVID-19 which we

have all been living through fro most of 2020


 One Minute Silence






Response: O Lord Hear Our Prayer,

O Lord Hear Our Prayer, Come Listen To Me



Let Us Now Focus On The Second Candle

We light this candle to represent those loved ones

we have lost. We remember now their names, their faces

their voices and the memories of them 

that we hold in our hearts


One Minute Silence






Response: O Lord Hear Our Prayer,

O Lord Hear Our Prayer, Come Listen To Me



Let Us Now Focus On The Forth Candle

We light this candle to give thanks for all 

who have supported us during 2020 in the face 

of the threat of COVID -19...


One Minute Silence






Response: O Lord Hear Our Prayer,

O Lord Hear Our Prayer, Come Listen To Me



Let Us Now Focus On The Fifth Candle

We give thanks for all we have learned and achieved in this 

year of 2020. We have been forced to take stock of our 

priorities and learned a lot about ourselves...


One Minute Silence






Response: O Lord Hear Our Prayer,

O Lord Hear Our Prayer, Come Listen To Me


Thoughts From Bob


Yes, there is fear but there does not need to be hate 


Yes, there is isolation but there does not need to be loneliness


Yes, there is panic buying but there does not need to be greed


Yes, there is sickness but there does not need to be disease of the soul


Yes, there is even death but there can always be rebirth of love


O Come, O Come Emmanuel


Closing Remarks and Prayer




We cannot come together as we would like but we suggest

you put the kettle on, phone a friend and hopefully you can 

discuss the service together and find comfort


Thanks For Joining Us 




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