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"God is our refuge and our strength, a very present help in trouble"

Psalm 46: 1


For various reasons, our Bible Fellowship has had to stop meantime, but will resume in the autumn. Please check this page of the website towards the end of summer.

April 2024

The Bible Fellowship will begin again on Wednesday 8 May at 1.30pm in the creche and will run over six weeks. We will be continuing our study of "Women of the Old Testament". As always, new faces are always welcome at this informal, relaxed group with no pressure to speak. Please come to hall entrance and knock on window. For more details, contact Sandra Farrington (phone number on back of "Contact") or contact us via the home page.

October 2023

Our weekly Bible Fellowship will resume on Wednesday 4 October 2023 in the creche hall at 1:30pm. We will be looking at women of the Old Testament. A warm welcome awaits anyone who wishes to join us. For further information please contact us.

February 2023

The Bible Fellowship will end their study of Isaiah 1-39 on Wednesday 5 April and then take a break until the autumn. Watch this space for future information.

November 2022

The final meeeting of the Bible Fellowship meeting for the study on "Great Prayers" will finish on 9 November. Please watch out for details of new study in February 2023.

September 2022

The Bible Fellowship will re-commence after the summer break on Wednesday 28 September at 1.30 in the creche hall.  We will be concentrating on the Great Prayers of the Bible.


A warm welcome awaits all who would like to join us.

April 2022

Our study of 2nd Corinthians, which will end on 20 April, has been thought provoking and at times challenging to the brain cells, but has produced some good discussions. We will resume in the autumn when we hope to see some new faces join us.

March 2022

The Bible Fellowship has resumed and it was good to be together again to examine God's Word a little more closely than it is possible to do during Sunday worship and to see how scripture applies to our lives today. It isn't as serious as it sounds. We have started a study on Paul's 2nd letter to the Corinthians.


Please think about joining us on a Wednesday at 1.30pm in the creche hall for an hour. For further details, please contact us.

February 2022

Weather and pandemic restrictions allowing, the Bible Fellowship will resume on 2 February and will, over 11 weeks, look at Paul's second letter to the Corinthians to learn how we can find strength in weakness.


I look forward to meeting once again with regular participants and, hopefully, welcoming new folk. It is an informal, relaxed group where you can participate or just listen as much or as little as you want. Why not give it a try?

February - April 2020

For meetings of the Bible Fellowship, we are fortunate to have Rev Sandra Farrington lead the group and also to have Rev Bob to add his insight to the passages we are reading.

We have serious moments but also a lot of humour and fun in our discussions.


It would be great to see some new faces; why not give it a try. 

If there is any topic or book of the Bible that you would like to study, please speak to Sandra.

Over the last couple of months the group has been studying the book of Judges, which is a tragic account of how God was taken for granted by His children year after year, century after century, despite His repeated intervention to help them. Sadly, we saw that the same patterns still occur today.


You may say, "I can read my Bible at home" - hopefully we all are, but by sharing and discussing with others, we can learn so much more. So please do think about it.  Come and join us in the Creche Room on Wednesday afternoons at 1.30pm for an hour.

If there is any topic or book of the Bible that you would like the group to look at, please let us know via contact us.


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