This page will show smaller articles regarding charities we have collected for and items which are otherwise not included on our website. Hopefully, you may find these of interest.
May 2023
The sun shone on us for our first Spring Fayre which was held on Saturday 14th May. We had a wonderful turnout of folks from the town and beyond!
A great total of £2332.00 (so far!) was raised towards Church funds.
The team would like to thank everyone for their donations and to all the volunteers who manned the stalls and the tea room.
January 2023
As you know, our Remembrance Tree was sponsored on behalf of Mary's Meals. The sum of £585.00 was donated and forwarded. As their "Double Love" is available for all donations received by them during December and January, our donation will automatically be doubled to £1,170,00 and will provide a school meal for around 72 children for a year.
Mary's Meals thank all who contributed to this.
November 2022
The Remembrance Tree is now in the Church. The tree this year is being sponsored on behalf of Mary's Meals.
With the Backpack project not progressing at the moment, this is another way we can continue to support Mary's Meals.
Gift tags will be left in the basked beside the tree for us to write our message and leave our donation. 30 Nov 2022
MAY 2024
Once again, the envelopes are being distributed by the local Churches.
There is an envelope enclosed in this month's "Contact" should you wish to make a donation. There will be a retiring collection in Church on Christian Aid Sunday 12 May.
There is no Coffee Morning this year. We are asked to return the envelopes, if possible, by Sunday 12 May or as soon as possible thereafter but definitely during the month of May.
May 2023
Once again, the envelopes are being distributed by the local Churches. There is an envelope in this month's "Contact" should you wish to make a donation. There will also be a retiring offering in Church on Christian Aid Sunday 14 May.
There is no Coffee Morning this year. We are asked to return the envelopes, if possible, by Sunday 14 May or as soon as possible thereafter but definitely during the month of May.
May 2022
Once again, the envelopes for the annual collection are being distributed by the local Churches. Envelopes were enclosed in the last edition of "Contact" for those who wished to make a donation. There will also be a retiring collection in the Church on Sunday 15 May.
There will be no coffee morning this year. We are asked to return the envelopes if possible by Sunday 15 May or as soon as possible thereafter but definitely during the month of May.
The full exchange of Church Boxs has now been completed and the amazing total of £1737 has been achieved.
I would like to sincerely thank everyone involved in raising this great amount, in particular those who fill the boxes and those who exchange the boxes. Your help is very much appreciated.
It has been decided to carry out the full echange only once a year from now on and this will be in the spring of each year. However, if you require a new box before then, or perhas don't already have one, please ask any member of the Duty Team on a Sunday morning and they will give you one. If you are not at Church, please just give me a call and I will deliver one to you at home.
Thank you again to everyone involved in making this collection possible and raising this great amount.
Elizabeth Derrick
Church Box Convener
01236 824257
April 2023
We're back!
After three years of not being able to do a full exchange of Church Boxes due to the pandemic, we are back and plan to re-start the collection in April. The empty boxes will be available to be uplifted from the large hall after the Church Service on Sunday 2 April. These can then be exchanged over the following two weeks.
The full church boxes should then be handed in to the lower hall on Tuesday 18 April between 6.00pm and 7.00pm for them to be emptied.
If anyone doesn't yet have a church box and would like one, please contact me and I can deliver on to you or simply aask at the church door any Sunday and a member of the duty team will give you one.
Thank you to everyone who contributes in any way with the Church Box collection.
Elizabeth Derrick
Church Box Convener
01236 824257
Autumn 2022
There will be no full exchange of Church Boxes this month, However, if you would like to exchange your box for a new one, please bring it to the Church on any Sunday over the next few weeks and, either myself or a member of the duty tam will exchange it for you at the front door.
If you are unable to come to Church but need to exchange your box, or would like your first one, please give me a call and I will deliver it to you.
Hopefully, the full exchange will return in the spring. We need more people to help with the exchange, so if anyone would be able to help with covering an area, I would be grateful if you would get in touch with me. Thank you.
Elizabeth Derrick
Spring 2022
As a result of the collection of Church Boxes at the recent Vestry Day and some already handed into the Church, the total of £520 has been raised. I'd like to thank everyone for faithfully filling their boxes and helping towards this great total.
If anyone still has a box which they would like exchanged, please contact me and I will collect it. Also, if anyone would like a new box, just contact me too.
Thank you again to everyone for your donations, they are very much appreciated.
Elizabeth Derrick
February 2022
On behalf of everyone at Stratchcarron Hospice, I am writing to thank Kilsyth Burns & Old Parish Church for your generous donation of £405 following your Christmas Remembrance Tree this year.
This kind donation can cover the cost of 17 hours of specialist nursing care for a terminally ill patient.
Thank you all for your support of Strathcarron Hospice
As a result of the Mission Group's recent fundraising, the sum of £2,042 (which includes £274.50 from donations for lapel ribbons) has been sent to the Disasters Emergency Committee which brings together 15 charities including British Red Cross, Christian Aid and Save the Children.
The Mission Group is grateful and very humbled yet again by the support and generosity of the people of Burns & Old.
January 2023
This year, the Lodging House Mission asked us to support them by letting them have monetary donations to their Christmas Appeal so that they could buy what what needed when it was needed. Our Retiring Offering on their behalf at our Christmas Eve service raised the sum of £160.00. The LHM are grateful for our continued support.
November 2022
The Lodging House Mission has again asked us to support them by letting them have monetary donations to their Christmas Appeal to enable them to buy what is needed when it is needed.
We will have a retiring offering at the close of the Christmas Eve service in aid of this appeal.
January 2022
On Monday 20 December, two cars left Kilsyth to deliver around 40 bags of warm clothing, toiletries etc and these were warmly received, Grateful thanks to David Cant for collecting the bags at his shop and our two willing car drivers for making the delivery.
The retiring offering at our Christmas Eve Service and also on Sunday 2 January was for the Lodging House Mission and with additional donations, amounted to £560.00 which has now been forwarded to them.
Can we encourage you when buying anything on-line, to keep in mind the "easyfundraising" website - It costs you nothing extra and gives a small donation to the church with every purchase. It's easy to join, enter the name of our church then create an account. It includes major retailers such as John Lewis, Marks and Spencer, Argos, Boots, Amazon, EBay, Currys as well as travel and insurance companies and many more. Full instructions are given on how to do your shopping.