We can, and should, all pray alone but it is also biblical that we should pray together in groups. It is the privilege of a small, but dedicated, group of people here at Kilsyth Burns & Old Parish Church to fulfil that purpose by praying for our church family, our town and our world and giving thanksgiving and praise to God.
We continue to meet on a Sunday morning at 10.15am in the sanctuary. Please feel free to join us, either occasionally or on a regular basis. Remember to pass on any requests for prayer which will be treated confidentially either by leaving a message in the box at prayer table or by giving it to a member of the Prayer Group who are: June Allison, Maureen Bathgate, Thomas Chalmers, Sandra Farrington, Jennifer Miller, Anne Simpson, Margaret Strain, Margaret Wren.
Please remember to place your prayer requests in the box at the prayer table, or e-mail them to:
"Father, we pray for an abundant harvest and generous hearts that we might share it with those in need." Amen
In the fading if the summer sun,
the shortening of the days, cooling breeze,
swallows' flight and moonlight rays,
We see the Creator's hand.
(Faith and Worship)
July/August 2024
May God bestow His gift of love on you.
May He teach you how to share that love with others.
May His love lead you to everlasting life.
And may God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit Bless you, Amen
(From a Book of Blessings by Nick Aiken and Alan Elkins)
June 2024
May we never shield our eyes from the light of Christ.
May our lives be open and prepared for service.
May our hearts be converted anew every day.
(From a Book of Blessings by Nick Aiken & Alan Elkins)
May 2024
Father, thank you for Spring, the season of Your expression of joy.
Let every bloom remind me of Your grace.
Let every sunny day bring light to my soul.
April 2024
As we witness new life all around us in nature, we remember and give thanks, Lord, that in You we are new creations. Send Your holy spirit that we may be refreshed and ready to serve You.
March 2024
Father God, as we journey through Lent,
may the blessing of Your fogiveness and the gift of
Your light reign in our hearts. Let us rejoice in our salvation and live our lives in the grace and joy of Easter.
February 2024
Lord, we pray that every evil working against unity in the world will be silenced and instead that the seed of love be sown in every human heart.
January 2024
We welcome the entrance of Another new year.
A time to take inventory
is once again here.
We count our successes,
We remember failures too.
We desire to improve
In everything that we do.
Let's strive to be better
Servants of our Lord God
And be a blessing to others
As on life's road we trod.
A new year to serve Jesus,
For that we should rejoce.
May He top our priority list.
May serving Him be first choice.
By Margaret Cagle