Our next Vestry Day is planned for Saturday 19th November. The Lower Hall will be open between 10am and 12 noon. Bob and the Finance Team look forward to seeing you there . . . they might even bring sweeties to share!
We're now back in the Sanctuary on Sunday mornings. Although everyone can now attend Service as before, we're conscious that not everyone is comfortable to return yet. We have decided to continue with our Vestry Days for those members not yet attending on Sundays to provide them the opportunity to bring their offerings to the Church.
Last year, as a result of the Covid pandemic and our being out of the Church buildings, we started our 'Vestry Days'. This provided members of our Congregation the opportunity to give their normal weekly offerings to the Church on specific days where the Lower Hall would be opened.
This proved very successful and both I and the Session would like to express our thanks to all who participated.
Rev Bob