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Leprosy Mission images.jpg
Leprosy Mission images.jpg

The Leprosy Mission (TLM) is an international Christian organisation which helps people affected by leprosy. Founded in 1874, The Leprosy Mission is the oldest and largest leprosy-focused organisation in the world today.  For over 140 years, The Leprosy Mission Scotland (TLMS) has created life-changing connections between people in Scotland and people throughout the world affected by leprosy.  We are dedicated to eradicating leprosy, one person at a time until leprosy is a thing of the past.

Over the past 25 years, 15 million people have been cured of leprosy, but there are still 5 million people affected by the ongoing impact of leprosy. The Leprosy Mission Global Fellowship, is dedicated to ending leprosy and transforming lives.  Until leprosy no longer stigmatises, marginalises and impoverishes, The Leprosy Mission Scotland will work to raise resources to enable people affected by leprosy to achieve justice.

By following the example of Jesus, making leprosy a thing of the past, we will finish a task that Jesus himself started.

JULY 2024

On 16 June, John Twynham-Perkins, a guest speaker from TLM, gave us a very interesting and informative talk on the extensive work of TLM.


Thanks to the generosity of Burns & Old congregation and The Mission Group, the sum of £728.66 was banked at the end of June for the important work of eradicating Leprosy.


The total banked from January to July 2024 is £1,344.20. Please keep donating.


​Margaret Strain​


MAY 2024

You will recall that TLM Scotland is now known as The Leprosy Mission Great Britain; it seems strange having Scotland taken out of the title but the fight against eliminating this disease still goes on with the help of congregations like Burns & Old.


Money donted since February by Burns & Old is as follows:


Februay          £100.00

March/April    £258.14 made up from £150 proceeds from Sunday tea bar, donations, blue tubs and sale of marmalade.


Please keep donating and together we will eradicate this horrible disease, because it is curable.


Margaret Strain



The Leprosy Mission Scotland's latest newsletter shares the following:


"To be the best stewards of the funds that are kindly donated and the tine so generously given to support people affected by leprosy, we are joining our brothers and sisters in England and Wales. Together we will become The Leprosy Mission Great Britain, united in our fight against leprosy and the devastation it can bring. This means that your compassion will go even further, reaching people in Ethiopia, Mozambioque , Niger, Sri Lanka and Sudan."


This means that the office in Scotland will close and we will have a new named contact, yet to be confirmed. The Leprosy Mission's goal is to eradicate leprosy one person at a time by 2035.  


At the recent Christmas Eve services the retiring offerings were allocated to TLM Scotland and the great total is £355.07. Please continue to support TLM.


Thank you,


Margaret Strain


Four years ago, TLM Scotland had an appeal "Heal Nepal of Leprosy" which was well supported along with UK aid match funding and has achieved great results in how leprosy is spotted and treated in Nepal.


One story of a little girl called Maya is one of many. Maya's father died when she was very young, her home was destroyed by floods and then Maya and her sisters were all diagnosed with leprosy. Maya had to drop out of school and even some family members startd to discriminate against her.


It is thanks to supporters of TLM Scotland (which Burns & Old is one) that Maya is cured of leprosy and has almost recovered from her symptoms such as claw hands and marks on her face. Now that her health has improved, she can return to school.


So far this year, £652.50 has been banked to TLM Scotland from Burns & Old TLM supporters. Many thanks to you all and you can pick up a supporters box at the front door of the church or speak to myself.


Margaret Strain


Robert Burns Humanitarian Award 2023

The Robert Burns Humanitarian Award, supported by South Ayrshire Council's Destination South Ayrshire team, recognises courage, commitment, inspiration and hands-on humanitarian efforts from people of any nationality, race, age or gender.

Dr Renuka Ramakrishnan is a consultant dermatologist and cosmetologist who has specialised in the treatment of Hansen's disease or LEPROSY for the past 30 years and was presented with the award during a special online ceremony which took place on January 25th to celebrate Burns Night.

Dr Ramakrishnan is based in Chennai in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu and is fondly known as "Doctor Amma".

Dr Ramakrishnan has already helped 10,000 leprosy patients receive free consultations and treatment and assisted a total of 250,000 patients through more than 1,500 free medical camps.

Without her work, thousands of people would have been left without diagnosis, treatment and support.

On receiving the award, Dr Ramakrishnan said: "I am humbled and honoured. I am so thankful to God, my family, my patients and my colleagues across India for this recognition. I dedicate this award to my leprosy patients and I will always work towards their upliftment in the community."

This award helps us realise how important it is to financially support TLM Scotland in the fight to eradicate Leprosy.

Margaret Strain

January 2023

Thanks to everyone who donated and for the donation of £250 from the Kirk Session.  The amount banked from January 2022 to date is £1,444,71. Please keep donating. 

The Leprosy Mission is facing an unprecedented financial crisis, and are appealing for help to enable them to SPOT, TREAT and STOP Leprosy in Africa and Asia.

As you know, as a Church we have supported the work of the Leprosy Mission for many years. Our ongoing donations are always needed but in this economic crisis even more so.

Can we work together to finish the work Jesus started? Leprosy donation tubs are available in the vestibule of the church.

Thanks for your continued support.

Margaret Strain                                                    


August 2022

Thanks to all supporters of TLM Scotland, since January this year to August the great total of £575.44 has been deposited in TLM's bank account.

In addition to the faithful box holders, people have started giving in other ways, such as an envelope dropped into the offering plate or through my letterbox; many thanks and hopefully in a few years to come, Leprosy will be a disease of the past.

Margaret Strain


February 2022

The TLM would like to thank the congregation for their generous donation of £560.00 collected during Christmas Services, in support of their Winter Appeal. These donations will greatly assist them in their work with people experiencing homelessness, vulnerability and social exclusion.

"May God bless you as you have blessed the least

of these brothers and sisters of Christ". Matthew 25: 40


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