The phrase "it went like a Fayre" describes perfectly our Christmas Fayre held on Saturday 1st December. There were various stalls ranging from home baking to crafts.
The Church was open and James Greechan, our organist, entertained a "fayre" crowd as they stopped shopping for some reflection time.

Our Christmas Fayre was enjoyed by everyone. Both stalls and Tea Room were very busy and a great morning was had by all!
A big thank you to everyone who baked, stitched, made up surprise gift bags, washed dishes or just came along to enjoy the day.
Thank you also for the hamper donated which was the prize for correctly guessing the reindeer's name.
This year we had 3 new ideas -
Guess the Teddy Bear's Birthday - 21st June!
Guess the Reindeer's Name - Sugarplum!
Letters to Santa - a big HIT with the kids!
The final total for the Christmas Fayre was £1,749.91 for Church funds, with £257 from the Home Banking Stall going to the Sunday School for their funds.

Our festivities ended with a rousing bout of carol singing with the help of some of our Rainbows and Anchor Boys.