A Bicentennial Committee led by elder Donald John Maclean was formed to organise events in celebration of a special year.
On Sunday 17 January 2016, the Bicentennial Launch Service was held, conducted by Rev Angus R Mathieson and Rev G Stewart Smith, both former members of the Church. Mr Smith is the son of Rev Henry Smith, former minister of Kilsyth Old Parish Church.

A pulpit fall and lectern fall were gifted by North Lanarkshire Council, represented by Depute Provost Jean Jones. The choir sang "The Living Stones" adopted as the Bicentennial Hymn and whose words and music are by Maureen Divers, Church Organist and choir leader.
The Kirk Session and Board members, September 2016. Also present was the Interim Moderator, Rev Gordon Macrae.

Retired banker Mr Bill Gracie, shown here presenting a copy of his book to the Right Rev Russell Barr. "The Old Lady of Backbrae" tells the 200 year old story of the Burns and Old Parish Church.

On Sunday 18 September 2016, the Right Rev Russell Barr, Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland preached the Bicentennial Day Anniversary Thanksgiving Service.
That evening, a Songs of Praise Service took place, led by Croy Silver Band.