The Choir has been busy since we restarted practising on 9 January 2019, enjoying our time and learning new pieces with James, the organist, and having such fun whilst doing so.
As we celebrated Palm Sunday with the joint choirs from Twechar, Banton and Anderson churches, it was great to hear the voices rising in praise with the additional members, including men (Burns and Old men take note!).
The month of April was dedicated to Maureen's anniversary as we sang her anthems in her memory, tinged with the sadness we still feel at her loss.
The concert on 27 April was a great success, raising funds for the church and everyone enjoying the home baking. Thank you to the servers and the bakers.
We continue to take our music out to members of guilds, homes and groups as requested and are now going further afield as our reputation has grown.
We already have several bookings for the latter part of the year. Details will be in "Contact" as well as here on the website.
Our anthems are reflective of the service such as Pentecost, Easter, Lent, Advent and Christmas which we discuss in advance at our practise each Wednesday at 7.00pm in the Creche Hall.
Anyone with a Christian heart who enjoys singing is most welcome to join our merry wee group, just contact us.