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Session 2019-2019





The Women of Wisdom group, although not affiliated to the church, holds weekly meetings in the creche hall. We have been established for over ten years. The object of the group is to provide facilities and opportunities for women to participate in social, recreational and educational activities. It also provides opportunities for women to meet and form friendships in a welcoming environment.




On 2 April, we had a very interesting, funny and enlightening talk from Bill Hicks and his associate Jill Scott; both former employees of the Sunday Post. They worked in the Port Dundas office in Glasgow. A visit to the V&A museum in Dundee was enjoyed by those ladies who wished to go along. Following a break for Easter, the ladies finished off the session with a lovely lunch at the newly refurbished "Scarecrow" Bar and Grill in Kilsyth. 


During March we held our "Touch o' Burns" light lunch with some poetry and comic verses; a quiz afternoon and a beetle drive - all good fun! 


On 5 March, Stuart Crawford from Glasgow Street Pastors came along to give us a very interesting and enlightening insight into the work of this voluntary organisation. He explained about the number of volunteers who walk the city centre streets every Friday and Saturday night providing support on the streets. Working in partnership with local churches, Glasgow City Council and Police Scotland they have formed what is known as The Urban Trinity. There is also a "Safe Zone" at St George's Tron Church which operates every Saturday night as well as Friday nights during the festive period.


On Tuesday 19 Feb, Rev Bob from Kilsyth Burns & Old came along to discuss films and their connection to religion. His talk was well received and there was more chat on the subject while having our tea.


The group paid a visit to Glasgow City Chambers on 12 February when we had a guided tour showing us the "working" side of the building. No-one can appreciate the beauty of this building until the inside is seen.

City Chambers 4.jpg

A visit was then made to The Lighthouse in Mitchell Lane. Formerly housing the Glasgow Herald, this was the first public commission completed by Charles Rennie Mackintosh. He designed the tower of the building to contain 8,000 gallons of water to protect the building and all it's contents from the risk of fire. The Lighthouse is now a successful visitor attraction and venue, attracting people from all around the world. 

An enjoyable day was had by all the ladies who came along.

Our first meeting of February was chair yoga, a very relaxing hour enjoyed by all.


Our first meeting of 2019 saw us having our programme planning for the following four months; many ideas had already been put together by the committee.


We had to cancel our next meeting due to the weather conditions. We were due to hold a "Taste of Burns" which has been postponed until later in the year.


Since September 2018, our programme has included a talk and slideshow by Ron Morecroft and Paul Carter on the geology of Kilsyth which the ladies all found very interesting. We also visited the Rennie Makintosh house at Glasgow University. We usually have a fun afternoon once a year with a game of "Beetle" or a quiz.  The church choir came along to entertain us just before Christmas with a variety of songs.





15th - Programme planning

22nd - Touch o' Burns

29th - Strathcarron Talk



5th - Yoga with Margaret Wadsley

12th - Visit City Chambers/The Lighthouse

19th - Rev Bob - Talk on Religion and Movies

26th - Millinery, Silk Flowers



5th - Glasgow Street Pastors

12th - Beetle Drive

19th - Quiz

26th - Touch o' Burns (re-scheduled from January)



2nd - Bill Hicks, journalist from The Sunday Post

9th - AGM and Bring n Buy sale

16th - Visit to V&A museum, Dundee (bus from rear of Coachman at 10.00am)

23rd - Easter break

30th - Lunch at the Scarecrow 12.30.


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